I Can Still Remember, That Night In Paris France, Enslaved Upon The Darkness, That Boiling Acid Bath, Bathing In His Sick Tub,
Flooding With Entrails, Unto This f*****g World, Horror Is Revealed, Eyes Are Melting, Vile And Horrifying, Sordid, Suffering, Horrid
Eviscreation, Nerves Exploding, A Sicklu Revelation, I Watched Them Die...Skin Is Peeling, Dripping Of Their Faces, Veins Are Bursting, So
Morbidly Deformed, Sawed And Severed, Nothing Left To Pray For, Rot Forever, I Felt The Growing Sickness Of Decomposing Organs Rotting
Right Before Me, So Heavenly Dismantled, As I Watched Him, Unforgiving, Eyes Of Terror, Melting Humans, Spilling Over, Cleansing My Skin,
With Your Organs, With Your Blood