Ihsahn si Samoth au cazut de acord ca nu pot compune un nou album Emperor

de Andreea Gherfi

Ihsahn si Samoth au cazut de acord ca nu pot compune un nou album Emperor

Cei doi artisti sunt de parere ca un nou album Emperor ar insemna un compromis fortat pe care nici unul dintre cei doi nu este dispus sa-l faca.

Ihsahn a declarat recent pentru revista Metal Wani ca un nou album Emperor nu si-ar avea avea sensul in conditiile in care el si Samoth sunt acum pe doua drumuri muzicale total diferite.

""I think it's very obvious that, musically, [Samoth and I] are very far apart. So if people want a new EMPEROR record, what would they expect? They expect us to write music as if we were teenagers. So it's kind of a… you can't really win. At this point, I think it just would be absolutely pointless, because regardless of what route we would take and what would feel natural, if we were to do that, it would be… I think either way it would be a disappointment, because it's kind of just part of an illusion. And I see absolutely no point in doing that." a declarat Ihsahn pentru Metal Wani

De cealalta parte ex-Emperor, Samoth pare foarte intelegator si este de acord cu viziunea lui Ihsahn considerand ca un noul album Emperor ar insemna un pas in spate in cariera lui Ihsahn.

"The thing is, the way Ihsahn makes music with his solo project is how he would make metal music, and for him to go back and compromise his progressive nature with a more back-to-basic black/extreme metal focus would feel like a step backwards for him as an artist, I think. I also agree that it would be very hard and 'forced' for us to sit down and try to make that compromise happen to try to make a new EMPEROR album. I'm not sure it would feel natural. If the musical expression is not really coming from a heartfelt desire, but rather from more of a forced compromise, I don't see anything good coming out of it.", a declarat Samoth pentru Friedhof Magazine

Ihsahn a lansat de curand si un playthrough pentru piesa 'My Heart is Of The North' extrasa de pe noul sau album, Arktis.

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