Enslaved au lansat un clip live pentru 'Fenris'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Enslaved au lansat un clip live pentru 'Fenris'

Trupa a lansat un material video pentru single-ul 'Fenris' preluat de pe viitorul album live 'Cinematic Tour 2020'.

"Fenris was perhaps the first song we wrote that got a massive encore demand, and before we actually had a lot of songs to pick from, we even played it twice during a set… haha. So, since all the songs on the Chronicles of the Northbound set was handpicked and voted for by our fans, it wasn’t a big shock that the grand old wolf was among the chosen ones.", a declarat Grutle Kjellson.

Clipul live pentru 'Fenris' poate fi vazut mai jos.

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