Epica a lansat un clip animat pentru 'Immortal Melancholy'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Epica a lansat un clip animat pentru 'Immortal Melancholy'

Epica urmeaza sa lanseze un nou EP maine, 1 Septembrie, intitulat The Solace System. Acesta va aparea prin Nuclear Blast.

De pe noul material au ales single-ul 'Immortal Melancholy' pentru a-i face un clip animat.

Coen Janssen, claparul formatiei a declart despre noul video urmatoarele: "There is one dimension that wants to take over all others by tricking them into opening a gateway through which the ‘Universal Death Squad’ can enter. In the upcoming videos, we learn if they will succeed.

The main thing I tried to do with the story is connect certain aspects of the album, artwork, live show and even previous albums. I love thinking in big concepts, and because it is an animated video, you can basically do whatever you like. It’s an easy way to connect the dots. I think the fans will get the connections and even find some Easter eggs that are hidden in the video."

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