Eternal Tears Of Sorrow: Despre vampiri, noul album si Romania

09 Aprilie 2010 Astaroth Priestess

Eternal Tears Of Sorrow: Despre vampiri, noul album si Romania

In asteptarea unuia dintre cele mai importante evenimente ale anului 2010, OST Mountain Fest, am stat de vorba cu Altti de la Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, una dintre formatiile participante, pentru a afla ce 'surprize' ni se pregatesc.

Ce vor canta ETOS pentru romanii prezenti la eveniment, ce parare are Altti despre Romania si despre celelalte formatii participante puteti afla singuri din interviul de mai jos.

Anul trecut ati lansat "Children Of The Dark Waters" dar la cateva luni dupa ati declarat ca deja lucrati la un material nou. Cum a decurs asta pana acum daca imi poti spune?

Da, este adevarat. Deja am inceput sa strangem idei pentru piese noi si am si facut demo-uri pentru cateva structuri de piese complete. Pana acum ideile noi suna foarte fresh si dure si ne place directia in care pare ca se indreapta piesele noi. Sunt materiale ETOS pure si foarte usor de recunoscut dar cu niste sange proaspat pe ele. Pana acum este inca greu de spus cum va suna urmatorul album in intregime insa va fi cu siguranta ceva foarte interesent.

Poti estima o data de lansare pentru urmatorul album?

Nu am stabilit inca date stricte pentru urmatorul album insa estimarea noastra bruta este ca vom incepe sa inregistram cateva parti ale albumului in primavara anului 2011 si vom continua sa lucram restul anului. Daca totul merge bine albumul va fi lansat candva prin 2012.

Poze Poze_MH - eternal tears of sorrow

In aceasta vara Eternal Tears Of Sorrow canta in Romania pentru prima data la OST Mountai Fest. Care sunt asteptarile voastre de la publicul roman?

Da, va fi prima oara cand vom canta live in Romania, taramul vampirilor! Abia asteptam sa cantam acolo si [dupa] tot ce am auzit si am vazut despre mediul festivalului, va fi ceva unic. La capitolul audienta asteptam un public de metal foarte wild si desigur multi vampiri printre ei! Haha.

Multi metalisti de pe aici va asteapta. Ce le-ati pregatit fanilor vostri?

E grozav sa aud ca oamenii sunt incantati ca noi vom canta acolo si ca asteapta concertul nostru. Va promitem sa va oferim cel mai bun concert full lenght cu o atmosfera puternica si energie exploziva. Target-ul general este acela de a face oamenii sa simta raceala si intunericul nordic pe durata intregului concert.

V-ati format o idee clara despre restul formatiilor care vor canta la Busteni?

Ne-am interesat de cateva dintre formatiile din lineup-ul festivalului si se pare ca va fi o petrecere data naibii in general! Din pacate nu am avut timp sa ne interesam de toate insa deja am gasit multe grupuri interesante in lineup.

Presupun ca inca nu v-ati gandit la un setlist asa ca ma voi rezuma la a te intreba ce ai vrea sa canti? Va vor vedea oamenii prezenti la OSt Mountain Fest interpretand piese de pe primele albume sau poate mai mult material de pe "Children Of The Dark Waters"?

De fapt ne-am gandit deja un pic la setlist. Va promitem ca va include materiale de pe majoritatea albumelor noastre si poate chiar cateva piese speciale. Dar sa vedem ce forma va lua lista completa cand vom lucra la ea.

Cum se pregatesc baietii de la Eternal Tears Of Sorrow inainte de un concert? In afara de repetitii si toate astea, ma intrebam daca luati o pauza sa va relaxati si sa va puneti ordine in ganduri inainte de orice evenimente.

Da, repetitiile pentru evenimente sunt cele mai important lucru de facut, desigur. Dar cu siguranta trebuie sa existe niste timp pentru relaxare si pentru concentrare asupra urmatorului show inainte sa urci pe scena. Parcurgi intregul setlist in minte...te gandesti la ce vei face si ce vei spune pe bei o bere, doua cu ceilalti baieti. Este de asemenea foarte important sa fie un mediu linistit pentru formatie inaintea concertului fara prea multi oameni care se plimba inainte si inapoi pe acolo, ca sa te poti concentra cu adevarat la urmatorul eveniment.

Poze Poze_MH - eternal tears of sorrow

Care este primul lucru care-ti vine in minte cand te gandesti la Romania?

Vampiri si castele vechi, desigur! Mai ales mitul lui Dracula. Apoi la peisajele frumoase cu munti.

Este ceva ce ai vrea sa vizitezi aici si de ce?

Ar fi grozav sa vizitez cateva dintre acele frumoase castele vechi...poate pe cel al lui Dracula? Am auzit ca inca mai traieste pe undeva prin Transilvania, hahaha ;) Stiu ca toata chestia cu Dracula a devenit destul de comerciala in zilele noastre dar ar fi foarte tare sa vizitez cateva dintre castelele vechi care inca au acel sentiment vechi si unic care vorbeste de istoria lor.

Poze Poze_MH - eternal tears of sorrow

In afara de concerte prin Europa, care sunt planurile trupei pentru acest an?

As zice ca restul timpului cu formatia este dedicat lucrarilor la materiale noi.

"Tortura" a luat sfarsit. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat si daca ai ceva de adaugat, nu ezita sa o faci aici!

Multumesc foarte mult pentru interviu! Abia astept sa va intalnesc pe toti in August si sa va cantam metal intensiv! Fiti pregatiti sa va alaturati tristei parade a Copiilor Apelor Intunecate [Children Of The Dark Waters]!


MH: Last year you've released "Children Of The Dark Waters" but a few months after you've stated that you're already working on new material. How did that work out so far, if you can tell me?

Altti: Yes, that’s true. We have already started gathering ideas for new songs and we have demoed some complete song structures too. So far new ideas sound very fresh and heavy and we really like the direction where new songs seem to go. It’s pure and very recognizable EToS material but with some fresh blood on them. So far it’s still hard to say how the whole next album will sound like, but it will be definitely something very interesting again.

MH: Can you estimate a release date for your future album?

Altti: We haven’t set any strict schedules for the next album yet, but our rough estimate is that we’ll start recording some parts of the album somewhere during the spring 2011 and continue working the rest of the year then. If everything goes fine the album would be out somewhere in 2012.

MH: This summer Eternal Tears Of Sorrow is playing in Romania for the first time at OST Mountain Fest. What are your expectations with the romanian public?

Altti: Yes, it will be the very first time we’re going to play live in Romania, the land of vampires! We’re really looking forward playing there and all what we have heard and seen about the environment of the festival, it really will be something unique. About the audience we’re expecting very wild and devoted metal crowd…and of course lots of vampires among them! Haha..

MH: A lot of metalheads around here are expecting you guys. What do you have in store for your fans?

Altti: It’s has been really great to hear that people are excited about us coming there and looking forward our gig. We promise to give our very best full length show with strong atmosphere and exploding energy. The general target is to make people feel the Northern coldness and darkness during the entire show.

MH: Have you formed a clear image on the rest of the bands that will play at Busteni?

Altti: We have been checking out some of the bands from the festival line-up and it seems that it’s going to be helluwa party in general! Unfortunately haven’t had time to go through all of them, but already now I have found many interesting groups among the line-up.

MH: I'm guessing you haven't thought about a setlist yet so I'll resume to asking you what do you feel like playing? Will the people present at OST Mountain Fest see you playing songs off your first albums or perhaps more material from "Children Of The Dark Waters" ?

Altti: We have actually thought of the setlist a bit already. We promise that it will include material from most our albums and maybe even something special pieces too. But let’s see how the complete list will get its shape when working on it.

MH: How do the guys from Eternal Tears Of Sorrow prepare before a concert? Besides the rehearsals and all, I'm wondering if you take some time off to relax and clear your head before any events.

Altti: Yes, rehearsing for the events is the most important thing to do of course. But surely there need to be some time to relax and concentrate on upcoming show before getting on the stage. Going through the whole set in your head…thinking of what you’re going to do and say on the stage..and have one or two beers with other guys. It’s also very important to have peaceful environment for the band before the show without too much people going back and forth over there, so you really can concentrate on upcoming event.

MH: What's the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about Romania?

Altti: Vampires and old castles of course! Especially the myth of Dracula. Then the beautiful landscapes with mountains.

MH: Is there anything you would like to visit here and why?

Altti: It would be really great to visit some of those beautiful old castles..maybe the Dracula’s one? I have heard that he still lives somewhere in Transilvania, hahaha ;) I know that the whole Dracula thing has become pretty commercial nowadays, but would be really cool to visit some of the old castles which still have the unique, old feeling left to sense their old history.

MH: Besides gigs around Europe, what are the band's plan for this year?

Altti: I would say that the rest of the time with the band goes for working on new material.

MH: The "torture" has ended. Thank you for your time and if you have anything to add, don't hesitate to do so here

Altti: Thank you very much for the interview! Really looking forward to meet you all in August and play intensive metal show to you! Be prepared to join the sorrowful parade of the Children of the Dark Waters!

Astaroth Priestess Vs. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow

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