Interviu Metalhead Meeting 2016: Eufobia

de Andreea Gherfi

Interviu Metalhead Meeting 2016: Eufobia

Trupa bulgara Eufobia a luat nastere efectiv in 2008, intial in forma de trio ca mai apoi sa numere si alti membri in componenta ei. Numele trupei, Eufobia, provine din greaca veche si inseamna 'frica de bine', iar stilul abordat este alintat de catre membri ei ca fiind 'Death'n'Roll', desi majoritatea ii incadreaza in zona death metal. In 2010 Eufobia isi concretizeaza munca intr-un albumul de debut intitulat 'INSEMINATION', iar la inceputul lui 2011 reusesc sa lanseze cel de-al doilea album din cariera lor, 'CUP OF MUD'. Atat grafica primului album cat si cea pentru cel de-al doilea ii apartin lui Costin Chioreanu. Pe data de 10 mai Eufobia au lansat single-ul 'Liquid of Creation', iar videoclipul piesei poate fi urmarit mai jos.

Metalhead: What kind of energy you expect from the Romanian public?

I totally respect and admire the romanian public. We've played many times in Romania and I believe that we've already got a lot of friends there, so I expect them to be there for us. We used to visit the country regularly, but in the last few years we simply couldn't do it as often as we wished to, and probably many have already forgotten us, so I'm looking forward to this Metalhead Meeting festival as a chance to win them back.

Metalhead: How would you describe your sound to metalheads who never heard your band before?

Well. It's a bit complicated, because our music doesn't really belong to any known genre, so one cannot simply label it as anything more than metal. It would be hard to describe it, but luckily I don't really have to. One should hear it with one's own ears and nowdays it's just a mouseclick away. I'll give you a clue though. We've been trying to keep the spirit of the nineties alive, because those were definitely better times for creating music, and we're also not afraid to listen to nothing but our inner voice while we create it. Hopefully the people will appreciate us for what we are, but if not, we'd ratter stay true to ourselves than change in order to become more popular.

Metalhead: What are you preparing for your show at Metalhead Meeting (new songs, anything special related to your performance)?

For us each and every show is special, no matter if we play in front of a thousend people or in a small bar in front of our closest friends. We try to do our best each and every time, so even for this important event we're preparing ourselves just like as usual. Nevertheless, as I've just mentioned above, this festival give us a great opportunity to present the new face of Eufobia in front of the romanian public. We've been working hard on our new album in the last few years and we've just released a new video on youtube. The song is called "Liquid of Creation" and I hope that more and more people will watch it and like it.

Metalhead: What are the main elements that inspire your music?

I believe that life itself is the greatest source of inspiration. We've been through a lot as most people have, but metal music gives us the opportunity to transform all the negative energy of the world around us into something beautiful and meaningful, and therefore we keep on playing in spite of all the difficulties. It also gives us the chance to be a part of something bigger than us, and I'm not talking about God or any similar bullshit, but about the underground brotherhood. It's not just about the music, you know. This is a way of life and those who don't get it are quite a pitiful beings. I shouldn't underestimate however the influece of the books that we read, the films that we watch and even the music that we listen to over the one we create.

Metalhead: What do you think is your biggest achievement as a band?

Well. I'd lay if I said that we weren't proud of our achievments. We've been touring regularly across Europe for many years now. We went on tour with great bands such as Immolation, Vader, Onslaught, Gorgoroth, Broken Hope, Suicidal Angels, Carnal, Soul Sacrifice and many more. We also shared the stage with metal artists such as Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Rotting Christ, Malevolent Creation, Gorgoroth, Sinister, Keep of Kalessin, E-force, Agathocles, Negura Bunget, as well as with many underground brothers. We released two albums and the third one is on its way. It wouldn't be easy for any poor eastern european underground band to acheave that, but we did. Our greatest achievement however is that we didn't let the world change us and that we managed to stay true to our nature. We saw many fine underground bands come and go, but we were lucky enough not to vanish like one of them.

Metalhead: Can you name 5 awesome bands that Metalhead readers should know about?

I could easily name probably at least five hundred, but if I had to choose just five I'd rather not do it, because, believe me, none is better than just a few. There are a lot of fine artist out there, popular or not and I believe that one should always keep one's ears and mind open for some new music. This is an everlasting quest.

Metalhead: Thank you for answering, any message you want to send to metal fans who will come to see you at MHM?

I would love to see you there, guys jumping and screaming. Come there to support us, in spite of the early hour. I'm sure that we could have a lot of fun together.

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