Europe planuiesc piese noi, un documentar, un box set de colectie si chiar si un turneu aniversar

de Cristi Nedelcu

Europe planuiesc piese noi, un documentar, un box set de colectie si chiar si un turneu aniversar

Europe planuiesc sa scoata piese noi, o cutie de colectie si pun la cale un turneu pentru a 40-a aniversare a primului lor album. Intr-un nou interviu acordat podcast-ului „Behind The Vinyl”, cantaretul Europe, Joey Tempest a vorbit despre planurile trupei pentru viitor.

El a spus: „What we're gonna do is we're gonna start recording next year, together with a documentary we hope [to have] out in the autumn — a Europe documentary [and] a box set, hopefully, of all the albums. But definitely a 40th-anniversary tour [for the first Europe album]. We don't feel like we wanna compete too much without a new album, so what we're gonna do is we want to record new music and release one or two [pieces] of new music next year, and then will be the big release the following year. That's at least what we're planning right now. 'Cause there's so much going on next year. And [we want to] focus on the documentary and the 40th-anniversary tour and some other things.”

Intrebat daca setul de cutie va contine materiale nelansate anterior, Joey a spus: „We haven't gotten that far, because the thing with Europe is we don't have that much extra stuff. Some bands have loads. Of course we can [include] live stuff — we can do that — but from the studio, there's not much. We've been boring like that. We come in with 12 songs and we come out with 12 songs. How did that happen? We should have 20 and taken 10 and kept 10. So, whether there's gonna be new songs involved in that, I don't think so. But the box set will a great vinyl box set with all the records, hopefully. Whether we put something else in there, we have to talk about it."

In iulie anul trecut, chitaristul din Europe John Norum a declarat pentru Sonic Perspectives ca trupa va incepe sa inregistreze un nou LP in 2023. „All the guys are, at the moment, just writing songs and putting ideas down,"a spus acesta. "I started preparing and doing demos and things like that.”, a continuat.

In iulie 2019, Tempest a declarat pentru televiziunea finlandeza Kaaos ca el si colegii sai de trupa nu „write so much on the road”. El a explicat: „We've never been like that. We're a soundcheck band as well. So we always soundcheck. We soundcheck whenever we can. Festivals is more difficult, as you know. But it's possible sometimes — you can go in the morning and do it."

Ultimukl album Europe „Walk The Earth” a fost lansat in octombrie 2017 prin Hell & Back Recordings (Silver Lining Music). A fost inregistrat la faimoasele studiouri Abbey Road din Londra cu producatorul Dave Cobb (RIVAL SONS, Shooter Jennings, Jason Isbell, Chris Stapleton, castigator al premiului Grammy).

In 2018 si 2019, trupa a continuat sa „Tour The Earth” cu un mini turneu in Japonia pentru trei concerte la celebrul Club Citta din Kawasaki.

Pe pagina oficiala a trupei Europe, apare in inchierea biografiei, acest mesaj: "There is plenty more to come as we head towards the 3rd decade of the millennium …. Stay tuned!"

Fanii sunt deja nerabdatori sa auda vesti noi despre planurile pentru 2023 ale trupei Europe.

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