Evanescence au lansat clipul pentru single-ul 'The Game is Over'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Evanescence au lansat clipul pentru single-ul 'The Game is Over'

Cel mai recent single al trupei, va fi inclus pe albumul "The Bitter Truth" ce va fi disponibil la sfarsitul anului 2020.

Trupa a lansat clipul pentru single-ul "The Game is Over", acesta fiind filmat cu un telefon iPhone.

Iata ce a declarat Amy Lee:

"This song is about being sick of the facade. The disguises we wear for others to make them feel comfortable, the inside feelings being so different than what we show on the outside to fit within the boundaries of what's socially acceptable, or what's not going to make you unpleasant or too 'weird' to be around.

The Game Is Over' is a promise to myself and out loud that I'm going to be more of my real, inner self on the outside — not lock her up because she can't be contained anymore. It's also a prayer to become better, to not feel so messed up, locked up, and hurt inside."

Noul material poate fi vazut mai jos.

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