Five Finger Death Punch isi sustin vocalistul in lupta impotriva drogurilor

de Andreea Gherfi

Five Finger Death Punch isi sustin vocalistul in lupta impotriva drogurilor

Vocalistul trupei Five Finger Death Punch, Ivan Moody, este cunoscut pentru slabiciunile pe care le are pentru stupefiante si alcool, iar dupa o serie de incidente pe care acesta le-a patit chiar pe scena, Ivan a ajuns la concluzia ca este cazul sa urmeze o cura de dezintoxicare.

O asemenea alegere poate fi destul de dificila avand in vedere ca formatia este mai tot timpul pe drumuri datorita turneelor, dar ceilalti membri din Five Finger Death Punch sunt alaturi de vocalul lor si sunt dispusi sa faca foarte multe schimbari in stilul lor de viata pentru ca cel din urma sa reuseasca nefericitul episod.

“You have to change the habits on the road – what happens, what’s on the rider. You have to take off all the alcohol – even mouthwash. It’s about trying to eliminate all of the triggers.

“He’s been battling his demons, and when you’re in a rock band, it can be really difficult to be on the road.

“If you have any kind of addiction or addictive personality, everybody wants to hang out and party. People are going to come up to you and say, ‘Hey man, let me buy you a drink,’ or ‘Let’s hang out.’ For them, that’s a big thing. They don’t realise that to us, it was the same thing yesterday, and the day before that, and the past 300 days before that.

“But you don’t want to be rude – it’s just hard for people to understand that.”, a declarat chitaristul Zoltan Bathory pentru revista Metal Hammer

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