Ivan Moody se va reintoarce pe scena in August

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ivan Moody se va reintoarce pe scena in August

Solistul Five Finger Death Punch a ratat o serie de show-uri din cauza problemelor sale cu alcoolul.

Recent artistul a declarat ca le multumeste fanilor si colegilor de trupa ca au fost alaturi de el si ca se va intoarce pe scena in luna august.

"I am in a treatment facility addressing the addiction issues that have interfered with everything in my life.

I love you guys and I love my band... It's what I do and I can't imagine my life without it. I am 100% committed to getting healthy so I can get back on stage with FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH.

At this point, I am on track to return to the band with a vengeance in Springfield, Illinois, when we begin the next leg of our North American tour dates. It's my intention to sing at each and every future show we are committed to, in North America and in Europe. I can't wait to put all of this behind me and move forward.

I'd like to thank Tommy Vext for doing such a great job filling in for me while I was away. I'd like to thank my brothers in 5FDP for supporting me through these hard times. We've been through hell and back and we're not gonna stop here. I would also like to thank my family and friends for standing behind me while I take care of what I need to regarding my health. But most importantly, I'd like to thank you, the fans, for your unwavering support as I recover. This has not been an easy year for me, but your encouragement and positivity is what keeps me going.

See all you Knuckleheads on August 19th!!"

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