Albumul 'Impera' de la Ghost ocupa locul 2 in topul albumelor Billboard 200

de Cristi Nedelcu

Albumul 'Impera' de la Ghost ocupa locul 2 in topul albumelor Billboard 200

Potrivit Billboard, cel de-al cincilea material discografic al trupei Ghost, 'Impera', a vandut 70.000 de unitati in SUA in prima sa saptamana de la lansare, ajungand astfel pe locul 2 in topul Billboard 200.

'Impera' a fost lansat pe 11 martie si a fost produs de Klas Ahlund si mixat de Andy Wallace. Albumul a mai ocupat prima pozitie in topurile muzicale din Germania si Suedia, pozitia a doua in Regatul Unit, Tarile de Jos, Belgia si Norvegia si pe locul 3 in Australia.

"The thing is you need to keep moving so that you don't get stuck in friendly comfortable mode. 'Meliora', the record I made with Klas, was really good, but the recording and the production itself left a few things to be improved. When time came to record 'Impera', the writing and demoing had been done in 2020. But in early 2021, the American producer who was supposed to make the record couldn't come because of the travel restrictions, and I couldn't go to America. And because Klas is also a very scheduled person, he had a project lined up that fell through. All of a sudden, he had a few months off, and I was, like, 'That is well-timed, because I don't have a producer. Would you like to produce the record?'", a declarat Tobias Forge.

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