Ghost a lansat 'Rats', piesa noua insotita de clip

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ghost a lansat 'Rats', piesa noua insotita de clip

Pe data de 1 Iunie vom avea un nou album al celor de la Ghost intitulat 'Prequelle'. Pentru acest nou material au lucrat cu producatorul Tom Dalgety care mai colaborat cu Opeth si Royal Blood.

Despre album, Tobias Forge aka Cardinal Copia a declarat: "It is loosely themed around the concept of death and doom. It's a themed album around medieval times, but it's definitely clinging onto a lot of very current things. The Black Death is a great example of a turning point for a whole civilization. Complete villages were annihilated. Most people knew very little, so all of it was God or the Devil — and about their faith being questioned: Why are we being stricken down by this great scourge? It must be because of our not fearing God enough and all this superstitious bullshit.

There's a lot that you would recognize today in online mannerisms. In many ways, we've gone back a few steps because now it's closer to how it was back in the old days when people were standing at the square and all of a sudden, it's like in Monty Python's 'Life Of Brian': 'Stone him! Ra! Ra! Ra!' Public trials are very unsupervised and extremely swift and speak to the most primordial parts of us."

Mai jos aveti clipul pentru piesa Rats de pe viitorul album.

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