Ghost are un nou Papa, Emeritus Zero - video

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ghost are un nou Papa, Emeritus Zero - video

Cu fiecare material nou semnat Ghost, solistul Tobias Forge intrea in pielea unui nou personaj.

Daca ultimul a fost Papa Emeritus III, acum, avem un nou Papa, Emeritus Zero.

Schimbarea a avut loc in timpul concertului din Gothenburg. Mai jos aveti momentul.

Forge a declarat ca in prima parte a anului viitor vom avea si un nou material Ghost.

"We've been in the studio for about a month now and by the end of the year, if everything goes according to plan, we're going to have a new album. Not out, but we're going to have a new record mixed and delivered. Hopefully that means that we're going to have a new album out by April."

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