Ghost au fost acuzati de tradare de catre Sister Imperator

de Andreea Gherfi

Ghost au fost acuzati de tradare de catre Sister Imperator

In noul clip de promovare al celui mai recent EP Ghost, "Popestar", Sister Imperator sustine un nou discurs picant in care isi apostrofeaza supusii ca nu ar fi suficienti de devotati cauzei pentru care lupta.

"You have sat for insipid interviews, answering insipid questions, afraid to reveal your true undertaking."

"Your masks are the visage of the gods – and you mock them with your senseless orgies and trysts. Even your depravities are dull!", declara Sister Imperator pe un ton raspicat

Ep-ul "Popestar" a luat cu asalt topurile muzicale din intreaga lume, ajungand, imediat dupa lansare. pe locul 1 in topul Billboard al albumelor rock.

"The EP will sort of connect with 'Meliora', so it's not going to feature a new Papa, it's not a new album; it's gonna be like an extension of 'Meliora'. That is gonna prolong the tour. So we're gonna do an American tour in the fall, and then we're gonna come back to Europe in the beginning of next year and do a bigger, sort of final 'Meliora' show. And in between now and then, we will work on the new album, and after the European tour in the beginning of 2017, we're gonna go into the studio and record a new album.", a marturisit despre album un Ghoul pentru myROCK

"Popestar" tracklist:

01. Square Hammer

02. Nocturnal Me

03. I Believe

04. Missionary Man

05. Bible

Clipul cu pricina il puteti vedea aici:

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