GODSMACK a scos un teaser pentru noul single Surrender"

de Cristi Nedelcu

GODSMACK a scos un teaser pentru noul single Surrender

Godsmack va lansa un nou single, „Surrender”, miercuri, 28 septembrie. In aprilie, solistul GODSMACK Sully Erna a declarat pentru postul de radio 101.1 WJRR ca noul album de studio al trupei a fost „finished; we're done recording it. You should probably be hearing new music by summertime — mid to late summer — and then following it up with a second single and the full record by the top of '23”.

Godsmack a continuat: „That's the plan. And then we're just gonna hit it one more time hard and heavy. And I've gotta tell you, this might be the last one for us — it might be the last record for us full record by the top of '23”.

In februarie, bateristul Godsmack Shannon Larkin a spus podcast-ului „Stop! Drop & Talk” ca el si colegii sai de trupa sunt ocupati cu „writing music” intr-un mod "really different this time. We're taking a couple of weeks on and however long off and then till the man calls, the genius calls. When Sully gets a spark, then we get together. There's no plan. For however long we can get together, we get together and create together. So it's a beautiful time."

Godsmack vor concerta in Romania in 26 octombrie 2022, la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. Bilete puteti gasi aici.

Un teaser pentru piesa noua, Surrender, este disponibil mai jos.

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