Godsmack lucreaza la un nou material

de Cristi Nedelcu

Godsmack lucreaza la un nou material

Tobosarul trupei, Shannon Larkin, a dezvaluit ca grupul lucreaza la continuarea celui mai recent album Godsmack, "When Legends Rise", material lansat in 2018.

Larkin a declarat urmatoarele:

"We're spending our time right now trying to write some new music for y'all, because we can't tour right now. So we hope that everybody's staying safe during this pandemic. All of our tours and shows are canceled for the time being. But this is gonna get better. So just try to be productive with your time and try not to go too crazy home alone. Wash your hands. Don't lick no door knobs and let's stay positive through this thing. We're gonna get through it."

Single-urile "When Legends Rise", "Under Your Scars" si "Bulletproof" de pe albumul "When Legends Rise", au ocupat primul loc in topurile radiorilor.

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