I Stand Alone: The Sully Erna Story" un documentar despre viata lui SULLY ERNA de la GODSMACK

de Cristi Nedelcu

I Stand Alone: The Sully Erna Story

„I Stand Alone: The Sully Erna Story” este un film bazat pe povestea de viata a solistului Godsmack, Sully Erna, documentar ce este acum disponibil prin Apple TV+ si Amazon Prime Video.

Documentarul de 98 de minute a fost scris si produs de Erna, in colaborare cu Noah Berlow si Troy Smith.

In urma cu cateva zile, Erna a distribuit un poster pentru film pe retelele sale de socializare, impreuna cu mesajul: "I am so excited to FINALLY announce the release of my new feature Documentary, 'I Stand Alone'."

Artistul a continuat: "Based on my memoir 'The Paths We Choose', Myself, along with Director @troysmith323 and lead Editor @noahberlow have been working on this for almost 6 years now. So I won't babble long here. I just want to say thank you to my family, friends and loved ones that have helped shape me to be the man I've become today. For always believing in me and my vision to become the best I can be. And for your love and support along the way. Thank you for being a part of my incredible journey. I wouldn't change a thing even if I could. For the rest of you, I hope you all enjoy this film and it inspires you to always find that inner strength to push you forward when life seems to knock you down. Get early access now on AppleTV and Amazon Prime and of course links available on Godsmack.com by searching the title 'I Stand Alone, The Sully Erna Story'. More networks coming soon!"

Pentru mai multe informatii, vizitati site-ul oficial al documentarului, aici.

In mai 2019, Erna a confirmat pentru „TODDCast Podcast” ca, in timp ce un documentar despre GODSMACK era in pregatire, el lucra si la un film bazat pe propria sa poveste de viata. Erna a explicat: "I am fan of rock documentaries, and just recently I've been getting into 'em. I though the FOO FIGHTERS did a great job. I've watched a bunch of them. It's not even rock — sometimes it's just real documentaries on artists. The Amy Winehouse one was great; Whitney Houston's newest one was really good. I got into the story of Kurt Cobain, and then the FOO FIGHTERS was great. METALLICA's 'Some Kind Of Monster' was amazing. I like a lot of that stuff too."

Erna a adaugat: "As far as us, we're not doing a proper GODSMACK documentary right now — we think it's just a little bit early for that — but I am releasing a documentary on my life story, from zero until we get a record deal, to show people the path that I took and the struggles I faced and things like that. So we're working on that now."

Erna a declarat anterior postului de radio WXTB/98 Rock din Tampa, Florida, ca documentarul sau va fi "kind of based on my book that has a lot of GODSMACK elements in it as it gets toward the tail end of it, because it goes from the time I was born and it's all the struggles I went through up until I got a record deal and it kind of ends there."

Memoriile solistului, „The Paths We Choose”, au aparut in 2007. La acea vreme, el a descris acest material ca fiind "a snapshot of the first 30 years of my life." Pe atunci a declarat pentru The Pulse Of Radio ca totul s-a intamplat aproape accidental - "I never planned on writing a book," a spus acesta. "It was one of those things that just became a hobby. When I was on the road, I would be writing stories out as I talked to my friends on the phone and realized that some of these stories were so insane, I'm not sure if I would have believed some of them unless they had happened to me. And then the more I wrote out these stories, I started organizing them in the order of dates, and the more I did that, I started realizing I was writing a book."

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