Solistul formatiei Godsmack a cantat cu tatal lui pe scena

de Andreea Gherfi

Solistul formatiei Godsmack a cantat cu tatal lui pe scena

Sully Erna, solistul formatiei Godsmack, a sustinut sambata, 16 iulie, in concert solo in care l-a avut ca invitat special chiar pe tatal sau, Sal Erna, in varsta de 73 de ani.

Momentul a fost unul extrem de special pentru Sully, tatal sau fiind primul om care l-a influentat sa paseasca pe drumul complex al muzicii.

"I started playing when I was three and a half. My dad's a professional trumpet player — he's had a bunch of jazz bands. And I kind of grew up under the piano, listening to them rehearse in the basement. And I just always knew. I mean, I quit school for it. I lost relationships over it. I sacrificed having an apartment and nice cars when all my friends were graduating high school and getting all this stuff, and I was still looking like the loser, schlepping off my parents. It's in my blood, and I just could never let it go.", a declarat Sully Erna pentru revista Rolling Stone

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