Gojira a lansat o piesa noua insotita de clip, 'Another World'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Gojira a lansat o piesa noua insotita de clip, 'Another World'

Trupa a lansat noul single "Another World", ce a fost produs de Joseph "Joe" Duplantier si mixat de Andy Wallace.

Noua piesa este disponibila pe toate canalele de streaming alaturi de un clip animat regizat de Maxime Tiberhgien si Sylvain Favre.

"It is with great excitement that we're presenting our new track 'Another World'. Ferdinand Magellan once said: 'It is with an iron will that we'll embark on the most daring of all endeavors, to meet the shadowy future without fear and conquer the unknown.' Is humanity doomed, or will we survive nature's wrath? Take a glimpse into our shadowy future by watching our take on 1968's Planet Of The Apes… Another World!", a declarat Joseph Duplantier.

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