Gojira lanseaza filmul concert 'Live At Red Rocks'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Gojira lanseaza filmul concert 'Live At Red Rocks'

Gojira au anuntat ca vor transmite turneul "Live At Red Rocks". Turneul a avut loc in SUA in anul 2017 alaturi de Opeth si Devin Townsend Project.

Materialul va dura aproximariv 24 de ore, si va fi disponibil pe 20 mai pe canalul de YouTube al trupei.

"We are excited to finally share our Live at Red Rocks. Captured 3 years ago, May 11th 2017, on our US tour with Opeth and Devin Townsend Project. An incredible memory for us in a breathtaking landscape.

We kept this baby under our belt this whole time waiting for a special moment to release it. Fun fact, this was Gojira's 1,000th show. After witnessing the disintegration of our Summer Tours 2020, we thought it was a good moment to give a little something away before getting back on track.", a declarat trupa.

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