Versuri Gojira

Gojira este o trupa franceza de progressive death metal, formata in Bayonne, Franta. Stilul prestat include elemente de thrash, death, progressive precum si sludge metal. Presa franceza le-a acordat numele de Mastodonul Francez. Gojira a luat nastere in 1996 la initiativa fratilor Joe si Mario Duplantier. Celor doi li s-a alaturat chitaristul Christian Andreu. Initial, cei trei au cantat sub numele de Godzilla insa au fost nevoiti sa-si schimbe numele datorita unor dispute legale. Muzical, trupa presteaza un stil apropiat de Mastodon sau......Biografie Gojira
L'Enfant Sauvage Versuri
Clone Versuri
Lizard Skin Versuri
Satan Is A Lawyer Versuri
04 Versuri
Blow Me Away You (Niverse) Versuri
5988 Trillions de Tonnes Versuri
Deliverance Versuri
Space Time Versuri
On The B.O.T.A. Versuri
Rise Versuri
Fire Is Everything Versuri
Love Versuri
19910 Quadrillions de Tonnes Versuri
In The Forest Versuri
The Link Versuri
Death Of Me Versuri
Connected Versuri
Remembrance Versuri
Torii Versuri
Indians Versuri
Embrace The World Versuri
Inward Movement Versuri
Over The Flows Versuri
Wisdom Comes Versuri
Dawn Versuri
Ocean Planet Versuri
Backbone Versuri
From The Sky Versuri
Where Dragon Dwell Versuri
The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe Versuri
Flying Whales Versuri
In The Wilderness Versuri
World To Come Versuri
From Mars Versuri
To Sirius Versuri
Global Warming Versuri
Oroborus Versuri
Toxic Garbage Island Versuri
Esoteric Surgery Versuri
Vacuity Versuri
Wolf Down The Earth Versuri
The Way Of All Flesh Versuri
The Art Of Dying Versuri
Adoration For None Versuri
Yama's Messengers Versuri
A Sight To Behold Versuri
All The Tears Versuri