Green Carnation provine din Norvegia, fiind formata in 1990 de catre X-Botteri, Christopher Botteri, Tchort si Andreas Kobro. Ulterior li s-a alaturat si vocalul Richart Olsen. Trupa a reusit sa lanseze un demo inainte ca Tchort sa se alature trupei Emperor. La scurt timp Olsen a parasit trupa, asa ca Green Carnation s-a destramat. Membrii ramasi au format In The Woods... si au reusit sa obtina un succes pe planul black metal. In 1998 trupa a reluat activitatea, cu un nou tobar pe nume Alf T. Leangel. Albumul de debut, scris de catre Tchort......Biografie GREEN CARNATION
In The Realm Of The Midnight Sun Versuri
My Dark Reflections Of Life And Death Versuri
Under Eternal Stars Versuri
Journey To The End Of Night (Part I) Versuri
Shattered (Part Iv) Versuri
Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness Versuri
Crushed To Dust Versuri
Lullaby In Winter Versuri
Writings On The Wall Versuri
Into Deep Versuri
The Boy In The Attic Versuri
Two Seconds In Life Versuri
Myron And Cole Versuri
As Life Flows By Versuri
Rain Versuri
The Quiet Offspring Versuri
Between The Gentle Small & The Standing Tall Versuri
Just When You Think It's Safe Versuri
A Place For Me Versuri
The Everlasting Moment Versuri
Purple Door, Pitch Black Versuri
Childsplay Part I Versuri
Dead but Dreaming Versuri
Pile Of Doubt Versuri
When I Was You Versuri
Childsplay Part II Versuri
Sweet Leaf Versuri
The Burden Is Mine... Alone Versuri
Maybe? Versuri
Alone Versuri
9-29-045 Versuri
Child's Play Part 3 Versuri
High Tide Waves Versuri
Six Ribbons Versuri