'Heart Like A Hand Grenade', documentarul despre Green Day are si trailer acum

de Cristi Nedelcu

'Heart Like A Hand Grenade', documentarul despre Green Day are si trailer acum

Documentarul se numeste 'Heart Like A Hand Grenade' si dupa spusele artistilor va contine scene de nuditate si se va axa mai ales pe povestea din spatele albumelor lansate de Green Day.

Lansarea oficiala va avea loc pe 15 Octombrie. Iata ce a declarat John Roecker, regizorul filmului, pentru Kerrang!:

"This film does not contain high drama or fighting. It shows a band on top of their game creating incredible music. It is a film that inspires. It is also a very small film. All it took was a box of tapes and one camera. Going back to the D.I.Y. Ethic that I was raised with. It was also a risk for the band because this album was either going to take them to a higher level or sink them. Either way I was going to document it."

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