Duff McKagan confirma si el existenta unui viitor album Gun n' Roses

de Cristi Nedelcu

Duff McKagan confirma si el existenta unui viitor album Gun n' Roses

Acum ceva timp Slash a spus ca Guns n' Roses va incepe sa lucreze organizat la un album nou dupa ce se va intoarce din turneul solo

Aceasta informatie a fost confirmata si de Duff McKagan, unul dintre cei 3 membrii origniali Guns, alaturi de Axl si Slash.

Iata ce a declarat basistul: "Oh, it's real! But the fun part and the cool part about Guns N' Roses is we don't really talk about it, and what happens next just happens. It's never been that band that there's a direct schedule of how we do things... I've heard some magnificent stuff that Axl has, really cool stuff he'd been working on. So I'm excited about the possibilities with that, of course. I don't mean to get anybody rabid. A new GN'R album will happen when it happens, that's for sure."

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