Este celebra piesa 'Sweet Child O'Mine' un caz de plagiat?

de Cristi Nedelcu

Este celebra piesa 'Sweet Child O'Mine' un caz de plagiat?

Ieri am anuntat ca procesul intentat celor de la Led Zeppelin s-a mutat la Tribunalul Federal. Britanicii sunt acuzati ca ar fi copiat piesa Stairway to Heaven dupa piesa Taurus a celor de la Spirit. (Detalii AICI).

Astazi, a aparut o noua acuzatie de plagiata, de aceasta data indreptata catre Guns n' Roses si a lor piesa 'Sweet Child O'Mine'.

Aceasta ar semana destul de mult cu piesa 'Unpublished Critics' a celor de la Australian Crawl, o formatie, bineinteles, din Australia. Similitudinile dintre cele doua piese au fost gasite de un blogger australian. Cu toate acestea, James Rayne,membru al formatiei Australian Crawl a spus ca nu intentioneaza sa ii dea in judecata pe cei de la Guns.

"It is not inconceivable that there are similarities between the two songs. It's also not inconceivable that there may be vaguely legs in something... "It's also not inconceivable that when they came out they were quite open in interviews that they liked a lot of Australian bands. It's also not inconceivable that they wouldn't have been aware of certain Australian songs. God forbid I had an active publishing company and they investigated the possibility...I'm not about to take on the might of the Guns n' Roses lawyers."

Deci, se pare ca cel putin pentru moment, Guns n' Roses sunt feriti de un proces. Nu la fel de norocosi sunt Led Zeppelin insa.

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