Mick Wall, cel care a inspirat piesa 'Get in the ring' il provoaca pe Axl Rose

de Cristi Nedelcu

Mick Wall, cel care a inspirat piesa 'Get in the ring' il provoaca pe Axl Rose

Mick Wall este un scriitor cunoscut mai ales pentru biografiile pe care le scrie, cu precadere artistilor scenei rock si metal.

E cunoscut ca fiind cel din spatele biografiilor Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Metallica, Black Sabbath si AC/DC.

Mick Wall a scos o noua carte in care vorbeste si despre faptul ca Axl Rose l-a amenintat ca il omoara in cazul in care ar publica o biografie despre Guns n' Roses, ulterior Rose dedicandu-i piesa 'Get in the Ring'.

In noua sa carte, intitulata 'Getcha Rocks Off', Mick Wall ii spune urmatoarele lui Axl:"If you're reading this, Axl — and I know you read almost everything written about you — what would really work too would be if we got together and did a Frost-Nixon and spent a few days filming a proper 'Get In The Ring'-style interview. Not in any real combative sense, though there would be that about it too, if you insisted. But something for the people to really enjoy and think about it. Something like an actual conversation between old friends/foes now old enough to supposedly know better. Come on, we've both lost our hair, we just have different ways of dealing with it."

Acum, la cum il stim pe Axl este foarte posibil ca acesta sa vina cu un raspuns cat de rapid.

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