Chitaristul GWAR, Mike Derks, a fost diagnosticat cu Mielofibroza

de Cristi Nedelcu

Chitaristul GWAR, Mike Derks, a fost diagnosticat cu Mielofibroza

Mike Derks, cunoscut ca Balsac the Jaws of Death, a fost diagnosticat cu mielofibroza, o afectiune foarte serioasa a maduvei care interfereaza cu producerea in cantitati normale a celulelor sanguine.

Derks a vorbit despre problema sa de sanatate pentru DKMS, o organizatie nonprofita care are ca scop lupta impotriva afectiunilor care afecteaza sistemul circulator si sangele.

Artistul a inceput sa se simta slabit in aceasta vara, cand se afla in turneu cu Gwar pana cand a ajuns la spital. Iata ce a declarat artistul.

"I was treated for severe anemia, but extensive testing did not reveal a cause. When I got home, my hemoglobin levels continued to fall and the only course of treatment has been a series of blood transfusions to keep my red and white blood cells from dropping to dangerous levels. I went for further testing at the Massey Cancer Center at MCV and the doctors there have diagnosed me with myelofibrosis, a disease that causes scarring inside of the bones and interferes with the marrow's ability to produce blood cells. If left to run its course, the doctors say I am most likely to only survive another three to five years.

There is a treatment with a chance of curing my condition, a bone marrow transplant. This procedure involves destroying my diseased bone marrow with high doses of chemotherapy, and then replacing it with healthy marrow from a donor. I will hopefully have the transplant early next year. I will spend a month in the hospital and then at least a year in recovery, where my immune system will be practically non-existent. The procedure has a mortality rate of 30%, but the Massey Center has brought this down to around 15%. With my family’s help and the support of my friends, I will beat this."

Derks face parte din GWAR din 1988, si a declarat ca atat timp cat poate sa urce pe scena o va face in continuare, anuntand ca nu va renunta la turneul din America de Nord care urmeaza sa inceapa.

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