Hammerfall lanseaza videoclipul melodiei "Second To One"

de Cristi Nedelcu

Hammerfall lanseaza videoclipul  melodiei

Hammerfall a lansat un videoclip pentru noua lor versiune a baladei "Second to One".

Melodia este reinterpretata impreuna cu Noora Louchimo de la Battle Beast.

Trupa a dezvaluit versiunea originala a melodiei de pe ultimul lor album "Dominion".

"It all started with Joacim suggesting we should try to write a song together with our long time producer James Michael. We went over to Los Angeles for a weekend, not knowing what to expect.

Within the first 30 minutes, I played an idea I had for James. He immediately responded with some chords and melodies, and we took it from there.

Together, we wrote the music in just a couple of hours and met the next day to just finalize all the details. That's how fast it can go sometimes when you get a feeling for something and the snowball just starts rolling, and it's the greatest feeling in the world! The 'hit-or-miss' weekend in this case definitely turned out as a hit!"- A declarat chitaristul Oscar Dronjak

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