Detalii despre noul album Helloween

de Morrison

Detalii despre noul album Helloween
La sfarsitul lunii august, trupa germana Helloween a intrat in studio pentru a inregistra cel de-al 12-lea album full-lenght.

Acesta se intituleaza Gambling with the Devil si contine 11 piese plus un intro.

In urma cu cateva zile, formatia a filmat videoclip pentru piesa As Long As I Fall, in Munchen.

Tracklistul albumului este urmatorul:

01. Crack the Riddle (Intro)
02. Kill It
03. The Saints
04. As Long As I Fall
05. Paint a New World
06. Final Fortune
07. The Bells of the 7 Hells
08. Fallen to Pieces
09. I.M.E.
10. Can Do It
11. Dreambound
12. Heaven Tells No Lies

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