Detalii despre noul album Iced Earth

de Morrison

Detalii despre noul album Iced Earth
Formatia Iced Earth a anuntat tracklist-ul noului album, intitulat The Crucible of Man (Something Wicked Part II).

Tracklist-ul albumului este urmatorul:

01. In Sacred Flames
02. Behold The Wicked Child
03. Minions Of The Watch
04. The Revealing
05. A Gift Or A Curse
06. Crown Of The Fallen
07. The Dimensional Gauntlet
08. I Walk Alone
09. Harbinger Of Fate
10. Crucify The King
11. Sacrificial Kingdoms
11. Something Wicked (Part 3)
12. Divide And Devour
14. Come What May
15. Epilogue

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