Immortal isi reia activitatea fara Abbath

de Cristi Nedelcu

Immortal isi reia activitatea fara Abbath

Abbath a anuntat acum ceva timp ca a ales sa paraseasca Immortal si sa puna bazele unei formatii intitulate 'Abbath'.

A facut acest lucru pentru ca Demonaz si Horgh nu mai dedicau destul timp activitatilor ce tin de Immortal.

'Abbath' se afla deja in turneu, interpretand atat piese din repertoriul Immortal cat si piese noi ce ar urma sa faca parte din albumul de debut al formatiei.

Zilele trecute, la doar cateva luni dupa ce Abbath a facut acest anunt, Demonaz si Horgh au anuntat faptul ca Immortal isi va continua activitatea si ca deja lucreaza la un nou material ce urmeaza sa fie lansat, cel mai probabil anul viitor. Deja au cateva titluri de piese printre care 'Northern Chaos Gods', 'Called To Ice', 'Blacker Of Worlds'.

Mai jos aveti o parte din declaratia oficiala a celor de la Immortal, in care se spune printre altele ca in cursul acestui an vom afla detalii si despre noul line-up al formatiei.

'IMMORTAL never stopped, we just had to go through a long legal process before we could go out in the media with the news. IMMORTAL is much more than just a band, and much more then just a form of music. The departure of one member cannot change that, no matter. We will continue what we believe in, and the power of ”Blashyrkh” shall live on.

Demonaz, the band’s founding member, has created material based on his visions of Blashyrkh for nearly 25 years. Some new songs, which are set to be included on the next album, are 'Northern Chaos Gods', 'Called To Ice', and 'Blacker Of Worlds'.

More information about the new music and line-up will be presented later this year.'

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