O noua piesa In Flames s-a lansat ieri!

de Cristi Nedelcu

O noua piesa In Flames s-a lansat ieri!

Vesti noi de la In Flames! Ieri, 13 iunie, trupa si-a reinnoit contractul cu Nuclear Blast si a lansat o melodie nou-nouta numita „State of Slow Decay” dezvaluind si noi date pentru concerte.

Noua melodie este la putere maxima, construita pe o gama joasa zdrobitoare, tobe frenetice cu dubla lovitura si niste riff-uri puternice, in timp ce solistul Anders Friden dezlantuie nelinistea animalica a unei prabusiri sub poverile lumii pe care o cunoasteti. 'State of Slow Decay' includes everything that In Flames are known for," spune Friden. "But it's more than just a song, it's a f*****g statement. I couldn't be happier to release this as a taste of what's to come."

Dupa cum s-a spus, noua piesa incepe urmatorul capitol al trupei cu eticheta Nuclear Blast, extinzandu-si astfel colaborarea. Marcus Hammer, directorul general al Nuclear Blast, afirma: "We are extremely happy to welcome In Flames back into the NBR family on a worldwide basis. Here's the message to the metal world: A new metal masterpiece is about to drop and you can guarantee there is no decay visible. Quite the contrary. In Flames and Nuclear Blast will kill it together- once again and stronger than ever!"

Nathan Barley Phillips, Senior A&R, completeaza: "As a dedicated long-serving Jesterhead myself, it gives me great pleasure to represent In Flames as they embark on this exciting new chapter of their illustrious career. I cannot wait for you all to hear what this incredible band have in store!"

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