SHADE EMPIRE: Download-ul ilegal afecteaza doar scena mainstream (interviu)

20 Martie 2012 George Lazar

SHADE EMPIRE: Download-ul ilegal afecteaza doar scena mainstream (interviu)

SHADE EMPIRE este o trupa finlandeza cu trei albume la activ, "Synthetic" (2004), "Intoxicate O.S." (2006) si "Zero Nexus" (2008), al patrulea urmand sa fie lansat anul acesta. Am avut placerea de a ii lua un interviu in exclusivitate pentru metalhead bateristului trupei, Rasane, discutia fiind disponibila mai jos. / Rasane, drummer for Finnish symphonic/industrial black metal band Shade Empire, offered an exclusive interview for The chat can be read below.

Metalhead: Au trecut patru ani de la ultimul vostru album, noul album ar fi trebuit sa fie lansat in 2010 dar intre timp ati incheiat contractul cu Dynamic Arts si de atunci, nimic. Ce s-a intamplat cu Shade Empire in tot acest timp?

Rasane: Nu am avut niciodata un program sigur pentru cand "ar trebui" lansat albumul nostru. Este ok si acceptabil daca dureaza cu cativa ani mai mult. De cand am lansat "Zero Nexus" (2008) am sustinut multe concerte aici in Finlanda si chiar turneul european. Pe langa asta, ne-am concentrat pe alte proiecte muzicale si lucruri din viata de zi cu zi. De asemenea, compunerea unui album nou cere timp. Mai ales ca am vrut sa facem asta fara niciun fel de graba.

Metalhead: Una din cele mai bune vesti pe care le-am auzit recent este faptul ca lansati un nou album. Fiecare album lansat pana acum, 'Synthetic', 'Intoxicate O.S.' si 'Zero Nexus' a avut propria directie. Unde se va duce acesta si ce poti dezvalui despre el?

Rasane: La fel ca albumele anterioare, albumul viitor va dezvalui o noua directie si calitati distinctive ale Shade Empire. Cred ca acesta va fi cel mai special album Shade Empire de pana acum. Sunt multe elemente pe care nu le-am mai folosit pana acum. Nu vreau sa dezvalui prea multe, dar sunt sigur ca veti fi surprinsi.

Metalhead: In ce stadiu se afla noul album?

Rasane: Momentan majoritatea partilor instrumentale sunt inregistrate. Mai sunt cateva bucati marunte, solo-uri de chitara, completari la clape etc., ce urmeaza sa fie inregistrate. Procesul de mixare a albumului va porni la inceputul lunii mai. Avem un jurnal de studio online la Acolo puteti urmari progresul noului album.

Metalhead: Din cate stiu, inca sunteti in cautarea unei case de discuri. Asta inseamna ca daca nu veti reusi sa gasiti o casa de discuri, albumul va fi amanat si mai mult?

Rasane: Speram ca nu. Scopul nostru este sa lansam acest album in timpul acestui an. Intr-un mod sau altul.

Metalhead: Ar trebui sa ne asteptam la un turneu dupa lansarea noului album? Poate un turneu european, inclusiv in Romania?

Rasane: Cu siguranta. Plecatul in turneu si sustinerea de concerte este unul din cele mai frumoase lucruri din acest 'hobby'. Ultimul turneu in care ne-am imbarcat (cu Krisiun, Unleashed, One Man Army si Undead Quartet) a fost un succes major din orice punct de vedere. Este intotdeauna frumos sa vezi tari si culturi diferite. Nu am fost niciodata in Romania deci sper ca vom ajunge acolo de asemenea.

Metalhead: Dupa cum am observat in videoclipurile voastre, mai exact '9 in 1' si 'Serpent-Angel', ati prezentat o poveste completa in care figureaza acelasi personaj principal. Desi acesta moare in videoclip, va ganditi sa continuati cu povestea?

Rasane: Nu cred ca vom continua cu acea poveste, chiar daca va exista o poveste noua sau o tema in noul album. Cel mai sigur vom filma un videoclip (sau mai multe) dar nu am decis inca ce fel de videoclip vom face.

Metalhead: Este un fapt modul propriu de a face muzica al trupelor din Finlanda, lucru ce duce la un line-up foarte consistent de trupe symphonic si melodic metal originale. Exista cumva un virus in aer ce ofera toata aceasta creativitate? :)

Rasane: Hmm, virus. Posibil. Pentru ca, dupa parerea mea, marea parte a muzicii metal finlandeze este un mare rahat :). Desi trebuie sa recunosc ca avem o scena underground destul de puternica. Tinerii chiar stiu cum sa cante un old school death metal adevarat! Nu am fost niciodata fanul acelor trupe (melodice) mari din Finlanda. Prefer o "exprimare mai brutala."

Metalhead: Artisti din intreaga scena metal au discutat recent despre download-ul ilegal al muzicii si efectul acestui fapt. Fiind un punct de maxima importanta pentru orice trupa din lume, as vrea sa stiu care este pozitia voastra in ce priveste aceasta problema?

Rasane: Asta e o intrebare dificila. Insasi distribuirea muzicii este una din cele mai bune modalitati de a te promova. Desigur ca nu esti platit din asta. Ca muzician ar fi frumos sa fii compensat pentru ceea ce ai facut. Cred ca acest download ilegal este o amenintare mai mare pentru scena mainstream din muzica, decat pentru aceasta scena underground. In aceasta scena cred ca oamenii care chiar apreciaza muzica sunt destul de infocati pentru a cumpara albumul.

Metalhead: Poti numi o trupa din noile generatii pe care o placi sau o apreciezi?

Rasane: Tocmai ce am navigat prin playlist si am descoperit ca nu exista nicio trupa noua acolo. Asta inseamna ca toata muzica buna a fost deja facuta, sau ce? :) Dar hai sa mentionez cateva cat de cat noi. Totalselfhatred si Sacrilegious Impalement. Trupe de black metal finlandeze, ambele au lansat cate doua albume full-length pana acum. In special albumele de debut ale fiecareia sunt foarte bune! Pe langa acestea, Disma din Statele Unite si Maim din Suedia. Noua generatie? Destul de departe de asta.

Metalhead: Multumesc mult pentru raspunsuri si pentru aprobarea acestui interviu. Vrei sa le transmiti ceva fanilor din Romania?

Rasane: Multumesc! Daca vreti sa aflati noutati despre ce se intampla cu Shade Empire, accesati . Sper sa va vad pe toti candva in Romania!

SHADE EMPIRE: Illegal downloading is a threat to mainstream music scene, rather than underground scene (interview)

Metalhead Romania: It's been 4 years since your latest work, the new album should have appeared in 2010 but you ended your contract with the label (Dynamic Arts) and nothing since then. What happened to Shade Empire during all this time?

Rasane: We've never had any accurate schedule when our album 'should' be released. If it takes few years more, it's totally ok and acceptable. Since ' Zero Nexus' came out (2008) we did lots of gigs here in Finland and even European tour. Along that we focused other musical projects and things in general life. And of course composing a new album takes time. Especially when we wanted to do it with no rush at all.

Metalhead Romania: One of the greatest news i heard lately is you're releasing a new album. Every album you released, 'Synthetic', 'Intoxicate O.S.' and 'Zero Nexus' had its own direction. Where will this one go and what else could you reveal about it?

Rasane: Like all previous albums, this upcoming will also reveal new direction, or flavours, of Shade Empire. I would say this one is going to be by far the most special Shade Empire album up to date. There's a lot of elements we haven't used before. I don't want to reveal too much, but I'm sure you'll be surprised.

Metalhead Romania: How far along is the band in getting the album done?

Rasane: Currently, majority of all instruments is on tape. Just little things as some guitar solos, synth fills etc. will be recorded yet. The mixing process shall begin at the beginning of May. We have studio diary online: . There you can follow how the things are progressing.

Metalhead Romania: As far as i know, you're still looking for a label. Does that mean that not finding one will just delay the album even more?

Rasane: Hopefully no. Our aim is to get this album out during this year. In a way or an another.

Metalhead Romania: Should we expect some touring after the new album hits the market? Maybe a full-Europe tour, including Romania?

Rasane: Certainly. Touring and playing gigs is one of best things in this "hobby". Last tour we had (with Krisiun, Unleashed, One Man Army & Undead Quartet) was a great success in every way. It's always nice to see different countries and cultures. I've never been in Romania before so I hope we'll get there as well.

Metalhead Romania: As i noticed in your videos, specifically '9 in 1' and 'Serpent-Angel', you presented a full story, featuring the same main character. Although the main character died, would you consider going on with the story?

Rasane: I think we won't continue that story anymore. Even there will be some new story or theme going on with this new album. Most likely we will shoot a video(s) this time also but it's still undecided what sort of video we'll be making.

Metalhead Romania: A fact is that Finnish bands have their own way of making music, that leading to a very consistent line-up of original symphonic and melodic metal bands. Is there some sort of virus in the air, offering all this creativity? :)

Rasane: Hmm, virus. Could be. Because in my opinion the greater part of Finnish metal is pure sh*t. :) Although, I've to admit that we have a pretty strong underground scene. Youngsters really know how to play real old school death metal! I've never been a fan of those bigger Finnish (melodic) metal bands. I prefer "rotten expression".

Metalhead Romania: Artists in the whole metal scene discussed lately about illegal downloading of music and what is its effect. Being a point of maximum importance for every band in this world, we'd like to know what is your position concerning this matter?

Rasane: This is a tough question. Sharing music itself is one of the best ways to promote yourself. Of course you do not get paid of it. As a music maker it would be nice to get compensated for something what you've done. I think this illegal downloading is a big threat to mainstream music scene, rather than this sort of underground metal scene. In this scene I feel people who really like the music are eager enough to buy the actual album.

Metalhead Romania: Could you name a band of the new generations that you like or appreciate?

Rasane: I'm just browsing my playlist and found out that there's no new bands at all. Does it mean that all good music has already been made or what? :) But lets mention a few fairly new ones. Totalselfhatred and Sacrilegious Impalement. Finnish black metal bands which both have released two full-lenght albums so far. Especially debut albums from each are great! In addition to those, Disma from USA and Maim from Sweden. New generation? Pretty far from it.

Metalhead Romania: Thanks a lot for your answers and for accepting the interview. Would you like to have a word for your Romanian fans?

Rasane: Thank you! If you want to check out the latest news what is going in Shade Empire check out . I hope to see you all some day in Romania!

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