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Stiri cu INXS
15 ani de la moartea lui Michael Hutchence, vocea INXS
Pe 22 noiembrie s-au implinit 15 ani de la moartea lui Michael Hutchence, vocea formatiei INXS. Michael Kellan John Hutchence a fost cunoscut pentru activitatea in legendara formatie INXS unde a ocupat postul de solist pana in momentul mortii sale in 1997. Hutchence a avut si o scurta cariera de actor si a...
INXS se destrama
Membrii INXS au anuntat oficial destramarea trupei. Informatia a fost confirmata duminica seara cand trupa concerta in deschiderea concertului Matchbox Twenty din Perth. 'Am obosit.' a declarat tobosarul Jon Farris care a preluat microfonul solistului Ciaran Gribbin. 'E ultima data cand vom canta...
Ce s-a intamplat pe 20 septembrie in istoria muzicii?
1969 - In timpul unei intalniri cu Paul McCartney si Ringo Starr, John Lennon anunta ca paraseste formatia Beatles. Tot astazi: 1964 - La finele turneului Nord American, The Beatles concerteaza in New York in cadrul unui eveniment caritabil. Fiecare dintre cei 3682 de participanti la concert platesc 100 de...
INXS au un nou solist
INXS au spulberat misterul noului cantec in momentul in care au anuntat ca noul solist al formatiei este irlandezul Ciaran Gribbin. Ciaran a inregistrat deja mai multe demouri alaturi de INXS. In noiembrie, in noua formula, formatia va pleca intr-un scurt turneu. Gribbin l-a inlocuit pe...
Universal Music relanseaza albumele INXS
Ca urmare a unui nou contract, pe termen lung, albumele de catalog ale trupei INXS, una dintre cele mai populare trupe din ultimii 25 de ani, vor fi relansate de Universal Music Group, cea mai mare casa de discuri din lume. Primele titluri vor fi disponibile de luna viitoare. Intelegerea a fost parafata de...
Videoclipuri INXS
Top Versuri INXS
Beautiful Girl
Never Tear Us Apart
By My Side
Baby Don't Cry
Devil Inside
Never Let You Go
Original Sin
On My Way
By My Side
In Vain
Perfect Stranger
Viking Juice
Elegantly Wasted
Spy Of Love
The Stairs
Taste It
Like It or Not
God's Top Ten
Hear That Sound
She Is Rising
Dancing On The Jetty
Pretty Vegas
Remember Who's Your Man
Need You Tonight
Like It Or Not
Know the Difference
Strange Desire
Wishy - Washy
Biting Bullets
Girl On Fire
Jan's Song
Johnson's Aeroplane
Night of Rebellion
Suicide Blonde
We Are the Vegetables
All Around
Big Go Go
Don't Loose Your Head
Guns In The Sky
I'm Just A Man
I'm Only Looking
New Sensation
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords INXS
- Devil Inside Tab
- Perfect Strangers Chords
- Gods Top Ten Chords
- Mystify Chords
- Beautiful Girl Tab
- Elegantly Wasted Bass Tab
- New Sensation Chords
- By My Side Tab
- Way Of The World - Michael Hutchence - Max Q Chords
- Hot Girls Tab
- Pretty Vegas Chords
- Need You Tonight Chords
- Afterglow Chords
- Baby Dont Cry (ver2) Chords
- Need You Tonight Bass Tab
- Kiss The Dirt Chords
- I Need You Tonight Tab
- Suicide Blonde Tab
- Beautiful Girl Chords
- The Stairs Chords
- The Loved One Chords
- What You Need Bass Tab
- Mystify Bass Tab
- Everything Chords
- Guns In The Sky Tab
- Time Tab
- New Sensation Bass Tab
- Pretty Vegas (ver2) Chords
- Dont Change (ver2) Tab
- By My Side Chords
- Mystify Verse Chords
- Pretty Vegas (ver3) Chords
- What You Need Tab
- Dont Change Tab
- Suicide Blonde Chords
- Not Enough Time Chords
- Not Enough Time Bass Tab
- Need You Tonight (ver2) Bass Tab
- New Sensation Tab
- Johnsons Aeroplane Chords
- New Sensation (ver2) Tab
- Strangest Party Chords
- Afterglow (ver2) Chords
- Back On Line Chords
- I Need You Tonight Intro Tab
- Afterglow (ver3) Chords
- Kiss The Dirt Bass Tab
- Golden Playpen Chords
- This Time Tab
- Need You Tonight Tab