Cam asa arata Ed Force One - video

de Cristi Nedelcu

Cam asa arata Ed Force One - video

Iron Maiden vor calatori prin lume la bordul unui avion Boeing 747 pilotat de Bruce Dickinson, iar avionul se numeste sugestiv Ed Force One.

Dickinson a spus cateva cuvinte despre acest nou avion.

"The 757 Boeing is just not big enough for what we've got in mind in terms of a show. So what we've got on board at the moment is the stage show.

I've actually been in Miami rehearsing for about two and a half weeks before this flight. So I actually flew back from Miami to pick up the airplane. And because it had been longer than a certain period, I had to jump back in the sim, do some landings and then fly the airplane over. So we pick up the rest of our equipment… In fact, we'll be spending tomorrow, basically, putting all the gear together and making sure it fits. Everything we need will be on the airplane, and all the technicians and baggage and everything else. We're going all around the world. I mean, we're doing some… I mean, [from] Perth, Australia to Cape Town to Shanghai to New Zealand. We're really going 'round the planet."

Mai jos aveti un clip cu Ed Force One.

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