Iron Maiden lanseaza o revista de benzi desenate

de Andreea Gherfi

Iron Maiden lanseaza o revista de benzi desenate

Dupa Gwar, Slayer, Kiss si Motley Crue, celebra formatie Iron Maiden a anuntat ca va lansa o revista de benzi desenate.

"Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast" il are ca protagonist pe Eddie, celebra mascota a formatiei, si este inspirata din jocul cu acelasi titlu pe care Iron Maiden l-au lansat in 2016. Primul numar al revistei va ajunge la fanii trupei incepand cu luna iulie via Heavy Metal.

"As a lifelong fan of IRON MAIDEN, it is a privilege to publish the first comic giving a narrative to their iconic mascot, Eddie. When we discussed the potential of coming together on this project, it was immediately clear that there was no better home for IRON MAIDEN than Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal's nearly half-century-long history of either working with or launching the careers of only the most accomplished artists continues here with the amazing team IRON MAIDEN has working on this series.", a marturisit Jeff Krelitz, CEO Heavy Metal, pentru

Poze Poze pentru articole - Iron Maiden comic book 1

Poze Poze pentru articole - Iron Maiden comic book 2

Poze Poze pentru articole - Iron Maiden comic book 3


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