Iron Maiden lanseaza videoclipul live pentru Stratego"

de Cristi Nedelcu

Iron Maiden lanseaza videoclipul live pentru Stratego

Legendele britanice de heavy metal Iron Maiden au lansat videoclipul oficial live pentru piesa lor „Stratego”. Piesa, care a fost scrisa de chitaristul Janick Gers si basistul fondator Steve Harris, este preluata de pe cel de-al 17-lea album de studio al trupei, „Senjutsu”, care a aparut in septembrie 2021 prin BMG.

Iron Maiden spune: „The U.S. & Canadian leg of the 'Legacy Of The Beast' world tour is now underway! Here is 'Stratego (Live)' — dedicated to you, our incredible fans across the world”.

„Senjutsu” a fost inregistrat in 2019 la Paris cu producatorul de lunga durata Kevin Shirley si coprodus de Harris.

Pentru „Senjutsu” – tradus vag prin „tactica si strategie” – trupa a apelat inca o data la serviciile lui Mark Wilkinson pentru a crea spectaculoasa coperta cu tematica Samurai, bazata pe o idee a lui Harris.

Solistul Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson, a declarat pentru La Claque FNAC din Franta despre LP: „It's always a big thrill when you get a new Iron Maiden album and it comes out. We thought it was a great album when we made it. But it was three years ago now. So we just have to pinch ourselves and go, 'Let's just check.' It's one of my favorite albums. And after 17 albums, it's pretty cool."

In ceea ce priveste procesul de scriere si inregistrare pentru „Senjutsu”, Bruce a spus: „I would like to say that everything was very organized, but actually, we're not. We turn up and we sort of go, 'Oh, has anybody got a couple of ideas?' And Steve said, 'I've got one idea. I've got this track 'Senjutsu'. What do we think about having a Samurai Eddie?' And we were, like, 'Oh, yeah. Cool. Why haven't we done that before?' Because we had an Egyptian Eddie and we had a sci-fi Eddie and we had a Mayan Eddie. The album is like the picture that's in the frame. But just because the frame is Japanese doesn't mean every song is organized to be about Japanese themes”

„Senjutsu” s-a clasat pe locul 3 in topul Billboard 200, ajungand mai sus decat clasicele timpurii ale trupei, precum „Powerslave” si „The Number Of The Beast”.

Aproape 90% din cele 64.000 de unitati de album echivalente ale LP-ului castigate au provenit din vanzari pure de albume. Albumul dublu, apreciat de critici, a debutat cu un loc mai sus decat „The Book Of Souls” din 2015 si „The Final Frontier” din 2010, care au ajuns ambele pe locul 4.

„Senjutsu” a fost al 13-lea album al trupei Maiden in Top 40 din S.U.A.

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