Dupa 20 de ani, tobosarul Kamelot a parasit formatia

de Cristi Nedelcu

Dupa 20 de ani, tobosarul Kamelot a parasit formatia

Casey Grillo, tobosarul Kamelot a decis ca e timpul sa paraseasca formatia dupa mai bine de 20 de ani.

Iata ce a spus Casey:"First and foremost I would like to thank all of the Kamelot fans around the world for your support during my time with the band. It has afforded me the opportunity to travel the globe, meet the most amazing people, experience so many cultures, and to share some of the most memorable experiences of my life. Between the various other musical endeavors I am involved with, along with my rapidly growing business DrumStatic.com, it really just became evident it was time for me to explore and focus on these new opportunities without compromising the exclusivity Kamelot needs and deserves."

Thomas Youngblood, membru fondator Kamelot a declarat urmatoarele:"Casey has been my friend and colleague for nearly 20 years. We have seen and done a lot together both in and outside of Kamelot. As his friends, the band and I respect his decision. I'm sure that we will all still be hanging out together when we have down time."

Locul sau va fi luat de John 'Jo' Nunez, tobosar care a colaborat cu Marty Friedman, Gus G., Firewind, Nightrage si multi altii.

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