Kataklysm au lansat clipul pentru piesa 'The Killshot'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Kataklysm au lansat clipul pentru piesa 'The Killshot'

Piesa va fi inclusa pe albumul "Unconquered" ce va fi lansat pe 25 septembrie via Nuclear Blast Records

Clipul pentru cel mai nou single al trupei a fost regizat de catre Scott Hansen.

"The Killshot' is very Machiavellian at its base meaning. The song deals with revenge and planning it out, I wrote the song in an open interpretation because everyone has their own story that they can attach to it. In general, the album deals with pain or setbacks, overcoming them and fighting back especially in today's situation, the timing is on point.", a declarat solistul trupei, Maurizio Iacono.

Noul material poate fi vazut mai jos.

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