Avem un extras din memoriile lui Randy Blythe

de Cristi Nedelcu

Avem un extras din memoriile lui Randy Blythe

Solistul Lamb of God va lansa luna aceasta 'Dark Days', un volum care trateaza experienta sa din Cehia, cand a fost inchis in Praga ca urmare a acuzatiilor aduse in urma decesului unui fan din timpul concertului Lamb of God sustinut in 2010.

Mai jos aveti fragmentul original din 'Dark Days':

"I remember that right from the beginning of our set, there seemed to be a lot of people onstage. People who did not belong. People who were not in our band, crew or working as security. As a matter of fact, I don’t remember there being security of any sort present in the area near the stage, because people kept on hopping up, bumping into me as they ran across the already crowded platform and leaping into the crowd..."


"I began to get very annoyed. I was particularly annoyed with one young blond-haired fan who jumped onto the stage again and again, trying to put his arms around me as I tried to sing. I watched him fly into the audience at one point and hit the floor pretty hard, only to reappear on stage not too long after. He had already made two appearances prior to this instance, and despite my pointing at him, shaking my head to communicate my displeasure, here he was again. I decided at this point I had had about enough of his shenanigans, figured that he was drunk or crazy, and decided to teach him a lesson... As he came toward me, I reached out with my left arm around his neck, slipped my hip behind his, and took us both to the ground. Once we were on the ground, I wrapped one of his legs with my left leg in what my middle school wrestling coach would have called a half-grapevine, then straightened up a bit and grabbed him around his throat with my left hand. I didn’t choke him, but applied enough pressure to let him know I meant business, and in between singing lyrics into the mic I had kept in my right hand the whole time, I began to yell something to effect of ‘No! No more, you a–hole!’ into his face."


"My next recollection is hazy, and doubtlessly colored by repeated viewings of video of the show that night, countless rereading of the specific wording of the charge laid against me, and examining in great detail the many conflicting testimonials witnesses gave concerning that evening’s events. I remember someone I believed to be my friend whom I had just so sternly warned against coming onstage, a young male with blond hair, flying off the stage in front of me, disappearing into the crowd, then getting up holding their head like it hurt. I believe, but am in no way 100 percent certain, that I pushed this person from the stage, and that it would have been from about the middle of the stage. I remember this person getting up looking shaken and me looking into the audience to see if he was okay. I remember several audience members giving me the thumbs-up sign, as if to say, ‘He’s fine, keep going.’ I remember this young man shaking his head briefly as if he was not okay, then proceeding to briefly headbang again as if nothing had happened before wandering back into the crowd. This gave me a moment’s concern, but I supposed that he was fine, and we continued to play. No one told us otherwise."


"That is truly all I remember of May 24, 2010. I only remember that much because it was our first time in Prague, security was so bad I had to wrestle some kid to the ground onstage, and Paul Gray died. It was a bad day, but I wish I could remember more of it. I wish I could remember every second. Then maybe I would have had some real answers to all the impossible questions that were about to be asked of me"

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