Chris Adler a vorbit prima oara despre despartirea de Lamb of God

de Cristi Nedelcu

Chris Adler a vorbit prima oara despre despartirea de Lamb of God

In luna Iulie Lamb of God anunta ca Chris Adler, tobosarul formatiei, nu mai face parte din trupa. Nu s-au oferit prea multe detalii iar Adler nu a facut vreo declaratie. S-a speculat mult ca aceasta decizie este luata ca urmare a accidentului de motocicleta pe care tobosarul l-a avut in 2017.

Acum, Adler a oferit unele clarificari despre plecarea sa din formatie printr-un post de pe facebook. Iata ce a declarat artistul.

"I feel it is time to address the many questions being asked about my departure from Lamb Of God.

Allow me to start with a relative concept of understanding. We all gave our lives to this, 26 years is not flippant. Each one of us sacrificed and lost much on a personal level to live the dream we had when we were kids. I will always love each member of the band for believing in me and agreeing to take on the world. We managed to find some love in the machine, but in turn it took things that cannot be recovered. I did not leave the dream. I did not make the decision to leave my life’s work. The truth is that, I am I unwilling to paint by numbers. I wish my brothers all the best in their continued ventures. I can assure you that you will hear from me again. I was given a gift and hope to continue to share it.

Many have asked about a motorbike accident I had in Thailand in 2017. It’s true that it was not pretty, but I’ve been well since August of 2018. Thank you for your concerns.

I support my friends and the dream I allowed them to share in. I loved and am still humbled by every second of the smiles and horns we elicited. There is an ambiguous concept in our world of “selling out”. I cannot define that outside of my personal understanding, but know that being trapped in a "creative" formula and/or playing the same song 10,000 times did not bolster my love of playing. I’m never been one to “phone it in.”I’d rather mow the grass.

I acknowledge and am truly grateful of achieving my childhood dream.

I have 2 GRAMMYS that sit on my mothers mantle piece. I think she deserves 3 so this party isn't over.

I was not given a choice in this and my dream is alive.

Feel free to say hello if you see me mowing the grass. It never gets old.

I appreciate each and every one of you!

Thank you!


PS: I may or may not be in touch with Kyle Thomas and Myrone about an Oakland Raiders concept album. This is neither confirmed or denied."

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