Lamb Of God vor lansa un nou EP in decembrie

de Andreea Gherfi

Lamb Of God vor lansa un nou EP in decembrie

"The Duke" este titlul EP-ului pe care Lamb of God il vor lansa in luna Decembrie. Albumul ii este dedicat lui Wayne Ford, un fan pe care Randy Blythe l-a cunoscut in urma cu cativa ani si care a decedat deoarece suferea de cancer.

Randy Blythe spera ca acest EP va creste nivelul constientizare in randurile celor ce pot dona maduva pentru bolnavii de leucemie. Artistul planuieste o licitatie caritabila ce va avea loc odata cu lansarea EP-ului.

"I asked Wayne if there was anything he wanted to say to the world, any particular words he wanted to be remembered by. My idea was to record him saying them, and then layer them into the record, or perhaps take the words and work them into a song's lyrics.

‘That’s really cool – let me think about it, man,’ he said, but he never got back to me about it. Regardless, I wanted to honour him in some way.", a marturisit Randy Blythe

"The Duke" tracklist:

1.The Duke


3.Still Echoes (live)

4.512 (live)

5.Engage The Fear Machine (live)

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