Solistul Lamb of God se intoarce la scris

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solistul Lamb of God se intoarce la scris

Se pare ca lui Randy Blythe chiar ii place sa scrie. Dupa ce a lansat volumul Dark Days in care vorbeste despre perioada in care a fost judecat si incarcerat in Cehia, artistul are in plan o noua carte.

Se pare ca este vorba de beletristica avand in vedere ca dupa spusele lui Blythe actiunea va avea loc in viitor.

Iat ce a declarat solistul Lamb of God pentru Metal Hammer: "I’m working on an outline for a book, but that’s about as much as I can do while I’m on the road,” says Blythe. “Writing a book makes writing a record look like going to kindergarten. It’s a much more tense, concerted, extended, creative effort – it requires a lot of focus that this environment does not provide. It’s set 50 to 100 years in the future. I’m wracking my brain right now, because you have to figure out all sorts of little things we don’t think about, because of the incredibly rapid advancement of technology."

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