Documentarul 'Becoming Led Zeppelin' va avea premiera in cadrul Festivalului International de Film de la Venetia

de Cristi Nedelcu

Documentarul 'Becoming Led Zeppelin' va avea premiera in cadrul Festivalului International de Film de la Venetia

Primul documentar al trupei Led Zeppelin va avea premiera luna viitoare la cea de-a 78-a editie al Festival International de Film de la Venetia.

Proiectul este regizat de Bernard MacMahon si co-scris si produs de Allison McGourty, si contine noi interviuri cu Jimmy Page, Robert Plant si John Paul Jones, precum si interviuri rare de arhiva cu regretatul John Bonham.

"With 'Becoming Led Zeppelin', my goal was to make a documentary that looks and feels like a musical. I wanted to weave together the four diverse stories of the band members before and after they formed their group with large sections of their story advanced using only music and imagery and to contextualize the music with the locations where it was created and the world events that inspired it. I used only original prints and negatives, with over 70,000 frames of footage manually restored, and devised fantasia sequences, inspired by 'Singin' In The Rain', layering unseen performance footage with montages of posters, tickets and travel to create a visual sense of the freneticism of their early career.", a declarat Bernard MacMahon.

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