Alan Robert a lansat prima carte horror de colorat

de Andreea Gherfi

Alan Robert a lansat prima carte horror de colorat

Basistul trupei Life of Agony, Alan Robert, a avut o idee mai ciudata, si anume de a lansa prima carte horror de colorat. Instrumentistul grafician a mai lucrat si la alte proiecte de tip comic book precum Killogy, Crawl to Me, si Wire Hangers.

Cartea "The Beauty of Horror: A GOREgeous Coloring Book" este destinata strict adultilor si va fi publicata in luna octombrie sub tutela editurii IDW Publishing.

"Bookstores are filled with coloring books for adults, but there's a huge void for the kind of creepy art that horror fans like me want to color, so I decided to create my own. The world needs a book like this to cut through the mandalas! It's art therapy for the abnormal...and trust me, there are plenty of us.", a declarat Robert

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