Linkin Park sustin ca ei au tinut metalul in viata

de Andreea Gherfi

Linkin Park sustin ca ei au tinut metalul in viata

Scandalul saptamanii s-a coagulat in jurul unei declaratii pe care Chester Bennington, solistul formatiei Linkin Park, a facut-o intr-un interviu pentru Metal Hammer. Avand ca subiect modul in care a fost perceput albumul 'Hybrid Theory' in anul 2000, Chester a declarat ca Linkin Park sunt, intr-o anumita masura, promotorii metalului in secolul 21.

"In my opinion we actually kept metal alive.", a declarat Chester Bennington pentru Metal Hammer.

“I met a kid a few days ago who said, ‘You were the first rock band I ever listened to’ and I hear that all the time. We played a surprise Vans Warped tour show in California in 2014 and had a whole bunch of singers from other bands come up and sing with us.

Every one of them was either, ‘Your band was my first record.’ Or, ‘Your band is the reason I’m playing music.’ It was maybe the first time where I felt like we were the band that people looked at in the way that I look at Deftones, Metallica and Stone Temple Pilots.”, a adaugat solistul.

Desi formatia a avut o sumedenie de fani si in Romania, "One step closer" fiind unul dintre hit-urile acelea care ne-au uns pe suflet la un moment dat, credem ca "mostenirea" muzicala Linkin Park s-a terminat un pic cam brusc. Dupa lansarea albumului "Meteora" (2003) atentia ne-a fost captata mai degraba de proiectele non metal ale lui Mike Shinoda.

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