Fostul tobosar Machine Head, Tony Costanza, a decedat la varsta de 52 de ani

de Cristi Nedelcu

Fostul tobosar Machine Head, Tony Costanza, a decedat la varsta de 52 de ani

Vestea trista a fost confirmata de fostul sau coleg din trupa Crisis, Afzaal Nasiruddeen.

"Tony Costanza was one of a kind. A man with a huge heart, love and loyalty for the ones close to him. I cannot relate to this reality of loss yet. I know he had a lot of admirers, and I was one of his biggest. He would have literally taken a bullet for me. Thats the kind of gangster brother he was.", a declarat Afzaal.

Costanza s-a alaturat trupei Machine Head in 1992 petrecand doar un an in spatele tobelor.

In 1993 acesta a parasit trupa, declarand:

"I left the band, because I was very young and new at playing drums, especially double bass. The band called for a lot of double bass. Basically, out of my own insecurities, I self-destructed. I've suffered a lot from the loss and will never forget not playing in my favorite band ever, but I had to do what was healthy for me and the band. I was even asked to rejoin, if I had certain parts very solid on the double bass aspect of it all, but I still felt I couldn't give the band what they needed."

Tony a scris 7 piese pe albumul de debut Machine Head, 'Burn My Eyes': "A Thousand Lies", "The Rage to Overcome", "Death Church", "A Nation on Fire", "Blood for Blood", "I'm Your God Now" si "Block".

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