Biografie Magica
Magica started in February 2002 as a project of Bogdan Costea, guitarist (at that time) of a local gothic band. The reason for starting this band was Bogdan''s desire to play the music that he likes: heavy metal & melodic rock.
The recordings for the 1st album (having more of a demo purpose) started in spring 2002. After 2 months of intense work, the material was ready! 12 power melodic heavy metal songs, in the vein of Rhapsody, Nightwish, and Helloween, which show the high potential of the band. The album, entitled "The Scroll Of Stone", tells the story of princess Alma - tricked by a demon, she loses her soul, and so her quest begins... she has to find the scroll of stone, the only thing powerful enough to break the demon''s spell. "The Scroll of Stone" was produced in Romania by Sigma Records and was well received by the media, in spite of the lack of promotion.
. The second album, "Lightseeker", has been launched in October 2004 in France through Underclass Music .Magica''s......Toata biografia Magica
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nightwish
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Stiri cu Magica
Bateristul Sebastian Natas a parasit Magica
Trupa constanteana de power metal Magica a anuntat plecarea tobosarului Sebastian Natas. Sebastian a parasit formatia pentru a se concentra mai mult asupra proiectului sau. Formatia a emis urmatorul comunicat: "Domnul Sebastian Natas a anuntat plecarea sa din randul trupei Magica pentru ca sa se...
Magica - Center Of The Great Unknown (Videoclip nou)
Center Of The Great Uknown, noul videoclip semnat de grupul constantean Magica, poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de pe albumul cu acelasi nume, lansat in data de 12 octombie via AFM Records. Potrivit unui comunicat de presa, 'Fanii se pot astepta la un album variat si puternic, foarte concentrat...
Spot video pentru noul album Magica
Magica va lansa in data de 12 octombrie un nou album intitulat Center Of The Great Unknown, disponibil via AFM Records. Un spot video poate fi urmarit mai jos. Coperta discului este semnata de Claudio Bergamin si poate fi gasita mai jos. Potrivit unui comunicat de presa, 'Fanii se pot astepta la un...
Asculta o noua piesa Magica, One Angry Gaia
Magica au dat spre ascultare un track nou nout. Piesa se numeste "One Angry Gaia" si face parte din cel mai recent album Magica, intitulat Center of the Great Unknown", album ce va fi lansat pe 12 octombrie de catre AFM Records Germania. Puteti asculta melodia mai jos. ...
Magica lanseaza o noua piesa, One Angry Gaia
"One Angry Gaia", o noua piesa apartinand formatiei romanesti Magica, poate fi ascultata mai jos. Noua compozitie este extrasa de pe viitorul album al formatiei, "Center Of The Great Unknown", ce urmeaza sa fie lansat pe 12 octombrie. "Center Of The Great Unknown" tracklist:...
Videoclipuri Magica
- Magica - Bittersweet Nightshade
- Magica - All waters have the colour of drowning
- Magica - Bind you forever
- Magica - Endless live in Utopia
- Magica - Mountains Of Ice live in Utopia
- Magica - Entangled
- Wait For Me
- The Center Of The Great Unknown
Muzica Magica
Top Versuri Magica
E Magic
Bittersweet Nightshade
A Blood Red Dream
The Wish
The Living Grimoire
The Sun Is Gone
A New Paradise
The Key
Bind You Forever
Dance Of The Wasp
The Sorcerer
Black Lace
The Scroll Of Stone
Mountains Of Ice
The Silent Forest
The Circle
All Waters Have The Colour Of Drowning
Road To The Unknown
Curse For Eternity
Witch's Broom
This Is Who I Am
No Matter What
Turn To Stone
Into Silence
I Remember A Day
Energy For The Gods
Dear Diary
Hold On Tight
We Are Horde
Weight Of The World
Don't Wanna' Kill
Used To Be An Angel
Mistress Of The Wind
On The Side Of Evil
Until The Light Is Gone
Shallow Grave
Through Wine
Dark Secret
In The Depths Of The Lake
They Stole The Sun
Hurry Up Ravens
My Kin My Enemy