Mastodon au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Teardrinker'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Mastodon au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Teardrinker'

Noua melodie este preluata de pe viitorul album, 'Hushed And Grim', care va fi disponibil pe 29 octombrie.

Bateristul trupei, Brann Dailor, a declarat urmatoarele:

"Essentially, to be brief, [the tree] is an afterlife mythology that when you pass away, your spirit goes into the heart of a tree and then experiences all the pillars of your in successions of the seasons that the tree experiences. That is the way you're able to say goodbye to the natural world and move on to the next dimension. You can see a green man in the center of the tree — the heart of the tree — and that is our good friend and manager Nick John, who passed away, unfortunately, a couple of years ago [after a battle with pancreatic cancer]. [Nick] has a lot to do with the inspiration of the album, 'Hushed And Grim'."

Videoclipul pentru 'Teardrinker' a fost regozat de catre Lorenzo Diego Carrera si poate fi vizionat mai jos.

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