Mastodon lucreaza la un nou material

de Cristi Nedelcu

Mastodon lucreaza la un nou material

Tobosarul trupei de heavy metal, Mastodon, Brann Dailor, a declarat intr-un interviu ca trupa a inregistrat o noua melodie , iar trupa este dornica sa lucreze la un nou material.

"We have a song that we wrote, and we recorded it, we're kind of chomping at the bit to get in there and put together some of the ideas that have been swirling around. There's lots of riffs; there's lots of material. There's too much material, so we need to get in there and start chipping away at that giant hunk of granite and hopefully produce a beautiful sculpture for all to see."

-a spus Brann

Mastodon este o trupa fondata in anul 2000 in Atlanta, Georgia. Trupa are 5 albume lansate, cel mai recent album lansat este “The Hunter”, lansat in 2011 si a debutat pe pozitia a 10-a in Topul Bilboard 200

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